Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Classes Completed

Progress so far
Basic Cuisine: 100%

Note: You'll notice a "running total" at the bottom of some of my posts. I'm keeping a running total to compare to the cooking school tuition I would have paid. I know cooking school would be priceless for the wisdom of the chefs, the learning from fellow students, and the intensity of the classes, but I thought it would be an interesting thing to keep track of. So, I only keep track for the ones that are part of the cooking school curriculum. Same for the "butter used", but that's just for fun!

If you're looking for the schedule to see what's coming up, click HERE.


Class 1: Cut Vegetable Soup
Part 1 - Mise en place, Mirepoix, and Knife skills
Part 2 - Potage cultivateur (Cut vegetable soup)

Class 2: Turned Vegetables Cooked in a Court Bouillon
Part 1 - Légumes à la grèque (Turned vegetables)
Part 2 - Légumes à la grèque (Court bouillon)

Class 3: Garnitures
Part 1 - Laitues braises (Braised lettuce)
Part 2 - Tomates concassées (Crushed tomatoes)
Part 3 - Portugaise (Tomatoes, crushed and cooked)
Part 4 - Duxelle sêche de champignons (Mushroom, chopped and cooked with shallots)
Part 5 - Grand-Mère (Garnish of bacon, onions, mushrooms, and potatoes)
Part 6 - Pommes de terre pour frire (Different cuts for deep-fried potatoes)
Part 7 - Bouquetière (Vegetables served in a bunch)
Part 8 - Jardinière et macédoine de legumes (Vegetables cut into sticks and cubes)

Class 4: Les Pâtes de Cuisine (Basic Doughs, Part 1)
Part 1 - Flamiche aux maroilles et poireaux (Leek tart from northern France)
Part 2 - Pâté Pantin (Pork pie without use of mould)
Part 3 - Quiche Lorraine (Gruyère cheese and bacon tart from East of France - Lorraine)
Part 4 - Tarte aux pommes (Apple pie)

Class 5: Les Pâtes Levées (Basic Yeast Doughs, Part 2)
Part 1 - Pissaladière (Salted yeast dough with onions, anchovies and olives)
Part 2 - Saucisson en brioche (Sausage baked in a brioche dough)
Part 3 - Tarte au sucre (Sugar pie)

Class 6: Les Pâtes de Cuisine (Basic Doughs, Part 3)
Part 1 - Allumettes au fromage (Puff pastry strips with cheese)
Part 2 - Gnocchi à la parisienne (Baked dumplings in Mornay sauce)
Part 3 - Fettuccini Alfredo (Fresh pasta with a creamy pepper and Parmesan cheese sauce)
Part 4 - Crêpes au sucre (Sugar pancakes)

Class 7: Les Entremets (Basic Desserts)
Part 1 - Charlotte aux pommes, crème anglaise au Calvados (Apple Charlotte served with Calvados custard sauce)
Part 2 - Crème renversée au caramel (Reversed caramel cream or Crème caramel)
Part 3 - Poires au vin rouge (Pears cooked in red wine)
Part 4 - Pruneaux au vin blanc (Prunes cooked in white wine)
Part 5 - Sabayon aux fruits (Fruit Zabaglione)

Class 8: Les Entremets Glacés (Frozen Desserts)
Part 1 - Cigarettes aux amandes (Tubular almond biscuits) with Crème glacée vanilla (Vanilla ice cream) and Glace au café (Coffee ice cream)
Part 2 - (Granité au Calvados (Calvados sorbet)
Part 3 - Sorbet au citron vert (Lime sorbet)
Part 4 - Soufflé glacé à l'orange (Deep-frozen orange soufflé)

Class 9: Les Salades (Salads)
Part 1 - Frisée aux lardons (Warm chicory with bacon)
Part 2 - Salade Niçoise (Vegetable salad Provençale, garnished with tuna, anchovies and egg)
Part 3 - Salade des nonnes (Rice salad with truffled chicken)
Part 4 - Salade Francillon (Potato and mussel salad)

Class 10: Les Fonds Blanc et Brun (Brown and White Stocks)
Part 1 - Fumet de poisson (Fish stock)
Part 2 - Filets de sole Dieppoise (Sole fillet served with a white wine sauce)
Part 3 - Fond blanc de volaille (Basic recipe for white stock)
Part 4 - Fond brun clair de veau (Basic recipe for brown stock)
Part 5 - Sauce tomate (Tomato sauce)

Class 11: Les Sauces et Liaisons (Mother Sauces and Liaisons)
Part 1 - Poulet poché sauce Suprême (Whole poached chicken served with a white creamy sauce)
Part 2 - Sauce Espagnole and Demi-glace (Basic brown sauces)
Part 3 - Sauce Béchamel (White sauce): Crème, Mornay, and Soubise

Class 12: Les emulsions (Emulsion sauces)
Part 1 - Sauce Hollandaise (Warm emulsified sauce) and Sauce Moutarde
Part 2 - Sauce Béarnaise (Warm emulsified sauce derived from Hollandaise sauce)
Part 3 - Sauce Mayonnaise (Basic emulsified sauce) and Salade Messidor (Summer Harvest Salad)

Class 13: Les Soupes I (Soups I)
Part 1 - Billy Bi (Mussel Soup)
Part 2 - Julienne Darblay (Creamed Leek and Potato Soup with Julienned Vegetables)
Part 3 - Velouté Agnès Sorel (Cream of Chicken Soup)
Part 4 - Potage Ambassadeur (Split Pea Soup with Bacon, Sorrel, and Lettuce)

Class 14: Les Soupes II (Soups II)
Part 1 - Bisque de Homard (Lobster Bisque)
Part 2 - Consommé Madrilène (Chilled Consommé with Red Peppers and Tomatoes)
Part 3 - Soupe à l'oignon gratinée (Onion soup) and French Onion Soup—Veal or Beef Stock?

Class 15: Les beurres composé, beurre emulsifiée, les marinades (Compound butters, emulsified butters, and marinades)
Part 1 - Steak Mirabeau (Beef Tenderloin Steaks with Anchovy Butter) and compound butters
Part 2 - Brochet au beurre blanc (Whole Poached Pike with White Butter Sauce)
Part 3 - Salade de Poulet aux Epinards (Spinach Salad with Chicken) and vinaigrettes

Class 16: Les Braisages (Braising)
Part 1 - Éstouffade de Boeuf Provençale (Braised Beef Casserole, Provence Style) and braising
Part 2 - Blanquette de Veau à l’Ancienne (White Veal Stew with Onions and Mushrooms) and stewing/blanching
Part 3 - Navarin d'Agneau Printanier (Lamb Stew with Spring Vegetables) and stewing/searing

Class 17: Sauter et Frire (Sautéing and Deep-frying)
Part 1 - Merlans Colbert (Deep-fried Whiting with Tartar Sauce) and deep frying
Part 2 - Sole Belle Meunière (Pan-fried Sole with Nut-brown butter and Mushrooms) and pan frying
Part 3 - Beignets de Langoustines, Sauce Tartare (Langoustine Fritters with Tartar Sauce) and deep frying
Part 4 - Pavés de Rumsteak au Poivre Vert (Sirloin Steaks with Green Peppercorns) and pan frying

Class 18: Les Grillades et Les Gratins (Grilling and Browning)
Part 1 - Entrecôte Lyonnaise (Steak, Lyonnaise style) and grilling
Part 2 - Gratin Dauphinois (Potato Gratin with Garlic and Cream) and browning
Part 3 - Oeufs Mollets Florentine (Soft-boiled Eggs with Spinach and Mornay Sauce)

Class 19: Pocher (Poaching)
Part 1 - Saumon au Champagne (Salmon in Champagne Sauce)
Part 2 - Truite de Mer, Sauce Verte (Whole Poached Salmon Trout with Herbed Mayonnaise)

Class 20: Rotir et Poêler (Roasting and Frying)
Part 1 - Canard aux Navets (Roast Duck with Glazed Turnips)
Part 2 - Poulet en Cocotte Grand-Mère (Braised Chicken Casserole with Bacon, Mushrooms, Potatoes, and Onions)
Part 3 - Côtes de Porc Flamande (Baked Pork Chops with Potatoes and Thyme)

Class 21: Les Poissons (Fish)
Part 1 - Truite aux Amandes (Trout with Almonds)
Part 2 - Bar à la Normande (Sea Bass with Mushrooms and Cream)
Part 3 - Snapper with fennel en papillote
Part 4 - Blanquette de Lotte aux Petits Légumes (Monkfish in White-Wine Cream Sauce with Vegetables)

Class 22: Les Volailles (Poultry)
Part 1 - Pintadeaux au Chou (Guinea Hen with Cabbage)
Part 2 - Fricassée de Poulet à l'ail et à la Sauge (Chicken Fricassée with Garlic and Sage)
Part 3 - Cailles à la Normande (Quail with Cream and Apples)
Part 4 - Pintade à la Cévenole (Guinea Hen with Mushrooms and Chestnuts)

Class 23: Les coquillages, escargots et cuisses de grenouilles (Shellfish, snails and frog legs)
Part 1 - Cuisses de Grenouille aux Herbes (Herbed Frog Legs)
Part 2 - Coquilles Saint Jacques Dieppoise (Scallops with Mussels and Shrimp in Cream Sauce)
Part 3 - Bouchées aux Crevettes (Puff Pastry Shells Filled with Shrimp and Mushrooms)
Part 4 - Mouclade (Mussels with Wine and Cream Sauce)
Part 5 - Huîtres Chaudes au Muscadet (Poached Oysters with Muscadet Sabayon Sauce)

Class 24: Menu #1
Part 1 - Aubergines Bayildi (Gratin of Stuffed Eggplant)
Part 2 - Rouelles de Veau Bourgeoise (Veal Shanks with Pearl Onions and Mushrooms)
Part 3 - Gratin de Fruits au Marasquin (Fruit Gratin with Maraschino Liqueur)

Class 25: Menu #2
Part 1 - Salade de Foies de Volailles Tiedes (Salad of Warm Sautéed Chicken Livers)
Part 2 - Longe de Porc aux Pruneaux (Roast Pork Loin with Prunes) and Mousseline de Céleri Rave (Creamed Celery Root Purée)
Part 3 - Savarin aux Kiwis et aux Fraises (Rum Savarin with Kiwis and Strawberries)

Class 26: Menu #3
Part 1 - Civet de Lapin à la Française (Rabbit Stew with Red Wine)
Part 2 - Soufflé au Comté (Cheese Soufflé)
Part 3 - Bavarois à la Vanille, Coulis de Framboise (Vanilla Bavarian Cream with Raspberry Coulis)

Class 27: Menu #4
Part 1 - Velouté Du Barry (Cream of Cauliflower Soup)
Part 2 - Mignons de Porc Arlonaise (Pork Tenderloins with Beer)
Part 3 - Profiteroles au Chocolat (Profiteroles with Vanilla Ice Cream and Hot Chocolate Sauce)

Class 28: Menu #5
Part 1 - Gaspacho (Gazpacho)
Part 2 - Coquelets sur Canapés (Roast Squab Chickens with Chicken Liver Canapés and Mushrooms)
Part 3 - Biscuit de Savoie (Sponge Cake)

Clas 29: Menu #6
Part 1 - Spiced Shrimp Balls
Part 2 - Grenadins de Veau au Coulis de Celeri-Rave (Veal with Celery Root Cream Sauce)
Part 3 - Pets de Nonnes (Choux Pastry Fritters with Apricot Sauce)

Class 30: Menu #7
Part 1 - Carre d'Agneau (Rack of Lamb)
Part 2 - Beignets aux Pommes, Sauce Abricot (Apple Fritters with Apricot Sauce)


Class 1: Les Biscuits (Cakes)
Part 1 - Génoise with Chantilly Cream and StrawberriesStrawberry Sorbet
Part 2 - Pudding Diplomate, Crème Anglaise (Ladyfinger Pudding with Crème Anglaise)
Part 3 - Biscuit roulé (Rolled biscuits) Chocolate Roulade
Part 4 - Dacquoise (Nut cake)

Class 2: Les Tartes (Tarts)
Part 1 - Tarte aux Agrumes (Citrus Tart)
Part 2 - Tartelettes aux Fraises (Strawberry Tartlets)
Part 3 - Clafoutis Normand (Apple and Cream Tart)

Class 3: Les crèmes de pâtissière (Creams and Fillings)
Part 1 - Crème chantilly (Whipped cream) in Charlotte Malakoff (Almond Cream Charlotte)
Part 2 - Crème pâtissière (Pastry cream) in Crêpes Soufflées au Cointreau (Souffléed Crêpes Flamed with Cointreau)
Part 3 - Crème anglaise in Oeufs à la Neige (Snow Eggs with Caramel and Crème Anglaise)
Crème bavarois (Bavarian cream) in Charlotte aux Poires, Coulis de Framboise (Pear Charlotte with Raspberry Coulis)
Crème d’amande (Almond cream) in Almond-Filled Basque Cake
Meringue in Concorde (Chocolate Meringue Cake Filled with Chocolate Mousse)

Class 4: Pâte Levée I (Yeast Doughs I)
Part 1 - Croissants
Part 2 - Brioche


Anonymous said...

Okay, "Whisk" me luck! I am embarking upon the "Shari's Way Ahead of Me, I Have to Catch Up Quick" plan of action for Lessons 1-11...I start tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

What a cool course line up. I was wondering... How did you come up with this line up? Did you get inspiration from a syllabus? I wonder because you jump around in the book rather than going straight through. I checked the book out from the library and like it very much and hope to make a few recipes. :O).

Shari said...

amantedelsol - That's a great question. We're cooking our way through a cooking school curriculum using the 'Le Cordon Bleu at Home' cookbook. The "classes" are based on the Le Cordon Bleu curriculum found online and used as a guideline. Not all the items in the curriculum are in the cookbook, but most are. Where the items are not in the book, we try to find a suitable substitution. You should join us! We'd love to have you.