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I now know why it's been blogged about so much. It's a delicious breakfast, afternoon, evening, anytime treat.
Playing Around
I also tried baking the cakes in half a mango and half a yellow dragon fruit. The batter in the mango trickled out while baking on one side, but the other side looked fine. The dragon fruit stood up well, and I'll definitely use that again.
For all the shells, next time I would dry the shell out in the oven for an hour on a low heat to reduce the moisture that the cake absorbs.
Recipe: Dimply Plum Cake

I loved the crunch of passion fruit seeds in the cake (but you could strain the seeds out if you don't like them). The hint of cardamom was delicious too. This cake was gobbled up quicker (mostly by me!) than a lot of other desserts that come into our hosue. Usually, when reading other TWD posts, I have the urge to nibble on whatever it is we made that week. I won't be able to do that this week, unless I make it again…soon. And I will.
"The Lion and the Unicorn were fighting for the crown:
The Lion beat the Unicorn all round the town.
Some gave them white bread, some gave them brown;
Some gave them plum-cake and drummed them out of town."
— Chapter 7, Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll
Creme Brulée on page 393.
In the past month, I've been lucky enough to get two awards from three different bloggers.

Thanks so much, you guys. It means a lot to get these blog awards and feel supported and loved in the food blogging world. It's a treat to be part of this community!
More to Explore:
This is such an original idea! I absolutely love it!!
How fun baking them in little passion fruit skins! You are so creative. Love reading your TWD every week! Great job!
Clara @ iheartfood4thought
Wow, they look just amazing baked up like that! Beautiful photos as usual Shari. It's always a treat to stop by and see what you've been making!
Always so amazingly inventive! Gorgeous!
these are freakin' adorable ;) i loove passionfruit! great idea!
I love coming here every week to see what new and creative ideas you've come up with!! You are amazing!
wowie - you turned the whole idea inside out! i'd never have thought of doing what you did, great ideas.
What a creative idea! Brilliant! They look so adorable.
Wow, they are very pretty, those petite little things. Well done!
so cute to bake them inside the fruit skins! i love your variations. :)
You are so creative and you cakes look amazing!
No you did not! No, you didn't! Oh my god! You did make the cutest cakes out of my favorite, favorite fruit. So cool! Amazing photos are usual.
Gorgeous presentation.
Great variation on the cake! Passion fruits are so good in baked goods!
WOW! What a creativity! You made them beautiful!
Of course, I should have known!!! LOL LOL LOL ...orange peels, tangerine peels, hence... plum peels! LOL
You know, I've been thinking, perhaps you should change your blog's name to "Expect The Unexpected!", suits you sooooo well!
A feast for the eyes, Shari! ...as usual!
These are adorable and so creative. Great job.
These are simply adorable! I love passion fruit and find these fantastic!
I know I'm not the first to tell you what a cute idea that is! The cakes look fabulous. Congrats on your awards, too.
you have done it again! The mini cakes look adorable! Baking with the durian shells? I need to see the photos!
oh they look great!! did the cake baked in the durian smell funny? :)
Your food presentation style is just awesome!
I give. You rock this TWD mobile.
Oh hey, I have been meaning to ask you...can you buy Clearly Canadian water there? No luck here, and my prego friend loves that stuff. If you can get it, I would be HAPPY to PayPal some $ to you if you'd mail me some!
ALso, I hope you'll find the time to join us making pies one a month... You are so creative you could do it in your sleep!
I'm in complete and total awe of your creations. WOW!!! So much fun -- and I love your pictures!
This is such a creative presentation, I just love it!
Love what you've done with the TWD Dimply Plum Cake!
Very cute and creative. I haven't tried passionfruit before - you must have a great market near by.
I love your spin on the plum cake.
As always, a wonderfully creative take on the recipe. It makes me wish I could find passionfruit somewhere in Wisconsin!
oh they're lovely!
Beautiful presentation, Shari! This was a delicious cake to have with my morning coffee.
I made the original version a few months back - yours looks amazing!
The crunch of the seeds is my absolute favorite part!!
Oh my gosh! You win the originality award... how fun are those!?!? Very impressive and creative!
Congrats on your awards, they are much deserved.
Looks so wonderful...all of it...and I really need to try passionfruit as I never have...I am thinking now is the time.
Great job...post, photos, recipe, all of it.
Oh my goodness, what a creative woman you are! You took this rather "down-home" recipe and turned it into something fabulous and exotic!
Thanks everyone for stopping by! I hope to get some time to peek at yours too! I'm sorry for not visiting lately, but I'll try to do better!
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