Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Tuesdays with Dorie—Chocolate-Chocolate Cupcakes baked in a rubber glove

This week for Tuesdays with Dorie, we were asked to make Chocolate-Chocolate Cupcakes with a Halloween twist. Although this isn't a cupcake, it does have a Halloween twist.

Hannah from BitterSweet was my inspiration for baking this cake in a latex glove. She baked the cutest cupcakes in silicon shot glasses (and I can't wait to try this too since I have these molds as well). Then, I was shopping at the grocery store keeping my mind open to possibilities, and there dangling on a clip next to the dishwashing liquid were No Name yellow latex gloves. Another inspiration was the classic Halloween punch bowl trick of freezing water in a rubber glove. Put the two together, and I came up with this Halloween cake.
The package of gloves says they're ideal for "washing dishes, handling household chemicals, gardening, polishing, cleaning windows, washing cans"
and now baking cakes.
Whisk Twist How To
To make the cake as a Witches' Hand, wash a latex glove and let dry. This recipe makes one glove plus a few cupcakes. Line an 8x8 pan with parchment paper. Put the 8x8 pan on a parchment-lined cookie sheet to contain any overflow from the batter that seeps out during baking. Using a piping bag, fill the glove. Make sure you fill enough batter into the fingers. (Mine weren't full enough and broke easily after baking.) Don't fill the glove to the brim since the batter needs room to expand. Fold over the top of the glove. Bake the glove for 30 minutes to ensure the inside is done (but take the cupcakes out after 22-25 minutes). After the gloved cake has cooled, put it in the freezer. Once the cake is frozen, use a pair of scissors to cut off the glove, being extra careful around the fingers.

The fingers were very delicate (and actually didn't survive the glove removal in my case). To hide this problem, I wanted to use witches' fingers, but we only had three of these, so I found witches' fingernails at the dollar store. If you can find the fingers, they would look much better!


Ingredients for Chocolate-Chocolate CakeYou can find the recipe for Chocolate-Chocolate Cupcakes in the book Baking: From My Home to Yours by Dorie Greenspan or here. To see how the rest of the TWD group fared with this week's recipe, click here and then click on each blogger! Thanks to Clara of I Heart Food4Thought who chose the recipe for this week.

Chocolate-Chocolate Cupcakes baked in a rubber gloveTasting Notes
I made this cake in the summer and loved it then too. It's a delicious chocolate cake that is fast becoming my goto chocolate cake recipe. The same daughter who said she wanted the Caramel-Peanut-Topped Brownie Cake for her birthday cake also claimed she wanted this one as her birthday cake! She loves chocolate!
The house didn't burn down while making this cake nor did we die after eating it. Who knows what long-term effects latex will have on us, but I only plan to do this once a year around Halloween.
Warning: Some people are allergic to latex.

Here's another Halloween idea: Wacky {Cup}Cakes baked in cookie cutters for Halloween.

Recipe for Next Week (November 4)
Rugelach on page 150 chosen by Piggy of Piggy’s Cooking Journal .


Jamie said...

Wow, I am so impressed! You are always so creative. I would never think of anything like this!!

vibi said...

Woahhh... what a genious idea! ...and a great use for rubber gloves! LOL
Now that I think of it... I wonder how I would feel, eating a hand!

Zoe Francois said...

That is hysterical! Never in a million years would I have thought of this. Great fun!

The Food Librarian said...

This is so great and yet soooooo scary! If I saw this I would totally run away!!! :)

Peggy said...

I'm shocked that the gloves didn't melt? It is so precious however! Great job.

CB said...

Awesome awesome awesome! Love the chocolate witch glove idea. Thanks for baking with me this week!
Clara @ iheartfood4thought

Sandy Smith said...

This is awesome! Great idea . . . I hope my kids don't see this because I don't want to have to sacrifice my dish gloves tonight. :)

Anonymous said...

I just never know what I am going to find over here each day...LOL...you are totally amazing. Cake in a glove...who knew? Oh, and btw, I gave you a shout out on my blog in the TWD post this week...LOL...you can see I went the extra mile this week just for you!

Great photos, etc. You're a star!

Maria said...

Oh my goodness! You are beyond creative! I love the hand idea...so fun for Halloween!

thecelticcookinshanghai said...

This is so fun. I have done it with jello. Fun to put in Halloween puch bowl.

chocolatechic said...

Interesting idea.

It didn't taste rubbery or powdery?

Looks so cute!

Jamie said...

Wow what a great idea!

Anonymous said...


Melissa said...

omg, this cake is so great!!!!! I love the creativeness!

Jules Someone said...

Totally excellent cupcake!

kimberly salem said...

haha, oh man... never in a million years. that is hilarious! i can't believe it turned out so well. awesome :)

NKP said...

You are over the top creative! Who would have thought to bake in a glove?
Any more latex baking and you might get an R rating!
So much fun!

steph- whisk/spoon said...

ack! that's a creepy hand! what a great idea--you are so creative. your kids must have so much fun with you!

PheMom said...

So cool!!! It's not a cupcake - its a glove cake - the new trend! You are too creative for me to keep up. I love it!

Engineer Baker said...

Too neat! And funny side note - I almost baked mine in cookie cutters like you did, but didn't feel like buying any :P Love the witch's nails, it's a nice touch.

Anonymous said...

Ciao ! it's totally crazily fantastic !

TeaLady said...

I would give you a 'hand' on this one, but you already have one. TeeHee. Didn't know you were so 'handy' with the baking ideas. Ok, I'll quite. But you win, 'hands' down. Great cake!!!

Y said...

Utterly wacky! And what a weird thought,.. eating a hand! :D

Laura said...

How very spooktacular! I agree with many of your comments - never in a million years would I have come up with this idea. You are so incredibly creative!

sefa firdaus said...

What a genius idea Shari!

Katie said...

Whoa! What a cool idea! I have never seen anything like this before.

Passionate Baker said...

thats insane!...ive never seen anything baked in a GLOVE b4?? your cakes look awesome!
great jobbb <3

Welcome to our crazy blessed life said...

That is hilarious and impressive! :) I will have to try that sometime!

Pamela said...

Wow@ Now that is some serious creativity! Fabulous.

Emily Rose said...

ok this is hysterical! you are so creative- I never would have thought about baking a cake in a rubber glove- not in a million years! it looks so great! haha

Unknown said...

How creative and adventurous! What a wonderful idea!

Tammy said...

wow, that is so cool! I love it!!! I also love the new look of your blog!

Anonymous said...

I haven't seen this hand mold, but I'm so happy I might have inspired this awesome creation! So perfect for a creepy Halloween dessert, too.

Marthe said...

Wow, this is so creative!! I love your ideas!

Anonymous said...

LOVE THAT! It's SO Freddy Kruger!

Kimberly Johnson said...

Wow! Very cool idea! I would have thought the gloves would melt in the oven.

Nancy/n.o.e said...

Glad you like this recipe. The glove is over the top!

Carol Peterman/TableFare said...

What a great creepy cake! I would have expected the glove to melt.

Ingrid_3Bs said...

Holy cow! THAT was coool. What did your children say....Mom, you rock, I'm sure!?

Anonymous said...

i never would have thought to bake chocolate cake in a latex glove in a million years. looks creepy... :)

AmyRuth said...

EEEeeeewwwww! Creepy! Again you have pulled the rabbit from the hat. Magically creating whimsy. Love it.
PS I liked the site for the measuring beaker. Unusual products. Good call, especially with the holidays quickly approaching.

Shari said...

Thanks, everyone, for dropping by! The glove didn't melt, and I used rubber gloves that didn't have any powder in them, so they didn't taste rubbery or powdery at all. They are a little vile! Perfect for Halloween!

Sherry Trifle - Lovely Cats said...

That Halloween hand is thrillingly creepy! You are very creative.

LyB said...

Week after week, you keep coming up with these crazy fun ideas! These are great!