It sounded like a cool idea when I was first approached last March (2010) by an Australian Publishing Company (The Slattery Media Group) about their plan to create an international cookbook from the food blog world. Here's a summary of the book:
"Foodies of the World is a collection of profiles and recipes from the best blogs around the world. It compiles the greatest recipes, with the sweetest stories, from the best bloggers into one handy guidebook and recipe collection.
As the blogs selected come from all over the world (India, France, USA, UK, Australia, Germany, Italy, Estonia and Turkey are represented so far), the recipes will cover a variety of cuisines and courses.
The overall tone is one of community, and sharing your love of cooking with the world. Its quality, complete and beautifully real' design will inspire the reader to spend time in their own kitchen."
It was intriguing – allowing the world of the blog to interact with the world of print while creating a cookbook that would feature recipes from different countries with links back to the featured blogs. So if you liked one of the recipes featured in the book, you could then go to that person’s blog and get more recipes.
And here it is, a few months later, and the book is published already! When I agreed to be part of this project, I didn't know who else would be included in the book, so the other week when I received my copy, I eagerly looked inside to see the list of participants, many of whom I recognized and have admired. Here is a sampling of food bloggers:
Partial List of Participants
Haalo from Cook (Almost) Anything at Least Once
Christine from Fig and Cherry
Béa from La Tartine Gourmande
Ilva from Lucullian Delights
Sara from Sprouted Kitchen
Jaden from Steamy Kitchen
Meeta from What's for Lunch, Honey?
So here is the book – just waiting for you to order that special Christmas gift – for someone on your list – or for yourself!
To order your copy, simply click here. Cost is $40AUS plus shipping.
The Slattery Media Group
The primary publishing services of the Slattery Media Group are publishing consultancy, creative concepts, writing, editing, design, photography, web development, and digital communications. While the foundations were built around sport, SMG has expanded into a publisher of cookbooks, children's stories, and art, craft, music, finance and entertainment publications, with much more to be explored in the future.
More to Explore:
I love cookbooks! And would love to win this one.
Congratulations to you and all the other bloggers included in this book.
I'm following you with Google Friend Connect! Love the idea behind this cookbook!
Also receiving RSS feed!
Congratulations Shari, this is a great accomplishment! As you said, you are featured amongst the best of the best, and I'm proud to know a fellow Canadian participated in this book! It seems very interesting and I would be very happy to get the chance to read it.
What an awesome giveaway! This sounds like a great book.
I want! cookiesandhalo@gmail.com
please! please! please! me! me! me! saucerjess@gmail.com
I know I won't win being unlucky first(is) but thanks for the giveaway anyway!
zekks at yahoo dot com
Sounds like a nice cookbook I'd love a chance to win
joosbornenc at yahoo dot com
Shari, I was so happy to see you in this book. I love it!
Hope you are doing well. :)
Chez Us
I'm a follower via Google Friend Connect! This would be an awesome book to have!
Looks like a great book!!
What an awesome cookbook!
ryan and tiffany (at) gmail dot com
I subscribe to your feed too in my google reader.
ryan and tiffany (at) gmail dot com
Congrats! Great giveaway! I love cookbooks...
I follow you on twitter and i tweeted your giveaway.
I follow you with Google Friend Connect
I follow you with my Google reader
I'm following you with Google Friend Connect!
I also subscribe to your feed too in my google reader.
I would love to have this book.
I also am an email subscriber
Google friend connected.
kssykes gmail com
Congratulations Shari! You're now in the same book as the other bloggers you looked up to. That's awesome news!
I would love to win this book. You can contact me at:
Hi! This cookbook sounds so unique and so cool at the same time! Thank you for giving us a chance to win it! :)
Sounds like a fab cookbook!
I follow your blog via GFC.
pippirose59 at gmail dot com
I subscribe to your RSS feed.
pippirose59 at gmail dot com
following you on twitter @left_the_stars
Thank you for hosting this giveaway
schnitzomage {at} gmail {dot} com
Google Friends Connect - following your blog publicly as Louis
Congratulations on the cookbook! It's an awesome idea. I'm equally excited to read about the blogs I already love and those I don't know about yet!
Congratulations for being included in this book my friend!
Regarding entering the contest, I thought I already "google" connected via our blog@foodieprints.com account...Connected via twitter for good measure :)
And you know us, we at foodiePrints follow your blog via RSS loyally :)
Big hugs Shari! Congrats from all of us here!
following this blog through RSS feed...and congrats on the cookbook. it definitely seems interesting. aima_cpm@yahoo.com
also connected via google friend connect. congrats again on getting published. aima_cpm@yahoo.com
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